Friday, July 18, 2008

I'm not in Kansas anymore... oh wait!

Yes, I am in Kansas! We just moved in after being homeless for a very LONG month. OK, we weren't exactly "living in a van down by the river," but we were in a cheap, yucky "roach motel" of sorts as we waited for our house to be ready.

I keep clicking my red, sparkly shoes together, but they don't seem to be getting me anywhere. I guess I am stuck here, for a year at least.

Kansas is not quite as hot as Florida, according to the thermometer, but for some reason I still find it dang hot. I guess I am used to the ocean breezes.

Working on getting the house unpacked, with little or no help from the other members of my family. In fact, they seem to be working against me. Once I get settled I hope to get back to doing some writing and some art work. Which reminds me, I still haven't located my scanner in any of these boxes. Hmmm. Maybe that is just as well!

I write fanfiction inspired by my favorite show. My art is scifi slanted as well. Call me a geek, tell me I am a loser... whatever. At my age, I don't care what people think anymore. If it gives me an ounce of enjoyment and doesn't hurt anyone, then I say why not? I don't take myself too seriously. I just need a creative outlet to keep me from going completely over the edge. Although, it may already be too late for that!?

Well, back to the boxes... >sigh<

Sunday, July 6, 2008

First Blog Attempt

Well, here goes! Let's see how this whole "blog thing" works. <--- Pretty creative way to start, eh?

I have never "blogged" before, which I am thinking is pretty obvious. Basically, I am a crazed person with too much time on my hands. I don't live in my mother's basement and play video games, however. I guess that, at least, is a good thing!

I love Battlestar Galactica, old and new... thus the handle. I plan on reviewing and discussing the show when it is on. The last half of the last season doesn't air until "early 2009," so I am stuck with only reruns and DVDs for now.

The 4th season mid-season finale was just incredible! I balled through the whole thing! I can't believe they found Earth and it was a devastated waste land, after all the "rag-tag fugative fleet" went through to get there. Someone summoned them to Earth though... someone had to have sent the Colonial distres signal to Starbuck's Viper. I can't wait to find out who. The last Cylon perhaps? Hmmm?

Anyhow, that is it for now. I have some fanfiction and artwork to throw on here at some point. Until then... "fight 'em 'til you can't!" :)